Has it really been almost a month since my last post? My how time flies when you have tons of things to do. Well, since my last blog post, so much has happened. I officially started grad school which has kept me extremely busy. I am enrolled in the Educational Counseling program with the hopes of obtaining an M.S. and a PPS credential for K-12 and eventually becoming a school counselor. I am taking 2 classes right now, but they are both accelerated and last only 4 weeks. Basically I am taking 4.5-6 units a month which is the equivelant of 22 units a semester. The program itself is 17 months, but the last 3 are internship, so if all goes well I will be "working" in a little over a year. I go to school Monday through Wednesday from 5:30pm-10pm and then spend the rest of the week reading and doing homework. Additionally, many of my classes require observations or projects, so in the next 15 months I will be accumulating 100 + hours of practicum and then another 600 hours for my internship. After 2 weeks of trying to obtain clearance and trying to setup schools to complete the a fore mentioned hours, I now wonder how on earth anyone finishes grad school. I emailed and/or called 5 different schools and districts and only received one reply back and not surprisingly, that was from the school district that I grew up in. However, the hoops you have to jump through in order to actually do any hours in the schools are incredible. It was going to take almost 4 weeks to get clearance which isn't really helpful for my two classes this month. Thankfully, the assistant superintendent was willing to make an exception so that I could do the 4 hours that are required for my classes this month, but I'm still boggled. I have talked to quite a few people in my classes that are struggling with the same issues and find it strange that anyone can actually complete their hours when so many places will not return correspondences. I would rather someone email me and tell me they aren't available than just not respond. It just seems so unprofessional. Regardless, I have an appointment with a counselor next Friday to shadow her and interview her and then I will spend all weekend writing 2 papers and preparing a 10 minute presentation to evaluate her school counseling program. I really am excited about the whole thing, however frusterating it gets. I have never been so sure in my life that this is what I am supposed to do. I can't wait to get started and I enjoy the few hours a night in which I get to engage in adult conversation without watching furry or animated television characters.
In addition to school which takes up a good portion of my time, Alexis celebrated her 3rd birthday! I can't believe my little angel is 3! On her actual birthday we had a simple cake and let her open up presents from Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Uncle Ted, and Justin. The following weekend we had a big party at her favorite place, Chuck E. Cheese. I must say as exhausting as it was, it was also lots of fun. Alexis and Justin had a great time and Justin discovered a love for largthe characters, though I'm not sure he would want to let them go. Alexis on the other hand is still very tentative around Chuck E. Cheese, though she did finally hug him once. Probably the best things about her birthday were that Uncle Ted came out from Illinois and Uncle Jerry came out from Arizona. It meant so much that they came so far for her birthday, plus we all enjoyed the opportunity to see them. Uncle Ted was here for a whole month and leaves next week. I will miss him so much but am thankful for the time we got to spend with him.
The highlight of my month though is that Alexis has FINALLY decided she wants to use the potty! She has been in panties for about 5 days now with very few accidents and I expect that it will be a short time now before she has completely mastered the potty!
And now for the fun stuff. PICTURES!
As I said, Justin LOVED Chuck E.

Alexis after she had gotten up enough nerve to hug the mouse

Alexis trying to pretend she is happy about this picture.

Alexis has a favorite Backyardigan episode in which Austin wins a gold medal in the race around the world. This was by far the best moment of the night for her when she received a special Chuck E. Cheese birthday medal.

As you can see, she continued to hold on to her gold medal even as she blew out her candles.

Presents were so much fun this year as she actually knew how to open them and was surprised and happy each and every time she opened something.

Even here when she had no idea what it was. She was even more excited when she realized it was a sleeping bag. She slept in it on the couch for two nights!

Playing dress up in the little mermaid costume Uncle Jerry gave her.

Who is this little boy and where did my baby go?

Justin thought Bella needed a hat too!

She was a good sport, but didn't look too happy about it.

Hope everyone is having a great day and I will try to update more frequently!