Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Surprisingly Pleasant Doctor's Appointment

Justin had to get his second flu shot today and also had to have his eye rechecked. If you don't remember, about a month ago I found a pretty decent sized growth on his eye which at first glance, we thought was just an infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics didn't do the trick, so they had to reexamine him today. The morning started off a little hectic because we all slept a little later than planned. Even Anthony was rushing around to get off to work on time (not that he is ever really up on time), but it was even tougher because we were all up. The kids, or more specifically Alexis, wasn't very cooperative and refused to get changed, dressed, etc., but we made it out the door with a few minutes to spare. Thankfully, the wait at the doctor's office was minimal; probably the shortest it's ever been, and we got to see the P.A. pretty quick as well. Justin cried (as usual) and wasn't thrilled with the shot, but he recovered quickly. As for his eye, they think it's just a benign growth of some sort that we shouldn't really worry about unless it gets bigger or starts to obstruct his sight. Both the P.A. and the doctor looked at it and they did their best to reassure me that it was nothing to be stressed over, but they decided to refer him to an opthamologist anyway, just to be on the safe side. If you could just say a little prayer for him that whatever it is on his eye isn't and will not become a problem, I'd appreciate it. The thought of surgery on my baby is terrifying though I know whatever happens, everything will be okay.