I love these little boogers more than life itself, but I don't know what has gotten into them today. Justin is climbing on/in everything. Not just regular things either like the couch or chairs. He has a leapfrog music table that he keeps turning upside down and getting inside (where he immediately gets stuck and cries and screams and throws a tantrum). Then there's the sing-a-long stage that he is climbing up on. The worst one is this Mickey Mouse saucer chair we have. He either stands up in it and tumbles over or he turns it upside down and gets stuck inside the legs. I don't get it. I know that climbing is a developmental milestone, but Alexis NEVER climbed like this! Is it because he's a boy? And the incessant fits and crying. He's only 15 months and I swear he's in his terrible 2's already. He gets mad when he can't do what he is trying to do...he gets mad when I won't hold him when he wants me to...he gets mad when Alexis won't play with him...he gets mad when he trips over his feet. It's awful. Alexis is another story. She is constantly hitting, slapping, kicking, and just plain out abusing Justin. (Could be why he is crying so much) I thought she was done with her terrible 2's. Apparently not. Then when I get on to her for misbehaving, tears, tears, and more tears. I've never seen her cry as much as she has the last few days. The funniest thing was when she started crying because Justin was "looking at her". Yep, she was crying like she's had been beaten and was screaming, "Stop looking at me! Justin's looking at me!" She didn't have much of a nap today so maybe that explains why she is crying over everythhing todaay, but it really is driving me crazy. I know this doesn't seem that bad, but for me it is HELL! My kids are usually so well behaved, with the exception of a few little fights or fits so this out of control, fighting, constant crying behavior is pure torture. I'm afraid it's the beginning of a trend and that I am going to have 2 children going through their terrible 2's. Let's just hope I don't lose my mind before they grow out of it. Did I mention that if I have to watch Racing Stripes one more time I'm gonna scream? Yep, Alexis's favorite movie and we've watched it a grand total of 4 times since 8 am. She gets on her little rocking horse and pretends to be racing. Complete with her Elmo bicycle helmet. If I can figure out how to add a video, I'll post some from my cell phone from last night. The quality isn't very good and I hate that I'm talking in them, but you get the idea. It really is super cute, but annoying beyond belief after the three millionth time.

Maybe I'm just overreacting because I'm sick, too. It's just a cold and my body seems to be trying to fight it off, but I'm exhausted and my head hurts and I wish I could go to bed and stay there for the next week. Not gonna happen, but a nice thought anyway. Enough of my whining. The kids are both crying again. Wish me luck!
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