Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Update on Anthony's New Job

A few weeks ago I had written that Anthony was really struggling with his new job and that the management was really giving him a hard time. I am glad to report that things have turned around and are getting much better. He has finally proved himself by working hard and never complaining. It appears that he has won the respect of both management and his fellow employees and is starting to feel like this job will be at least tolerable until I finish grad school. There are a couple of other perks to being a mail carrier. 1) He is walking A LOT! In the past month he has lost nearly 30 pounds and is really starting to get back in shape. It's been great for his energy level and I'm sure it's making him much more healthy too. 2) The money is pretty wonderful. It is quite a bit more than he was making before which has helped emensely with our finances. I am so thankful that everything is starting to look up.


Heather said...

Yay, I'm so glad things are getting better for him, and thus for all of you!