Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Were They Thinking?

My kids are disgusting! I know they are only 1 & 2 and don't know any better, but still. Here's the story. Our St. Bernard puppy, Bella, is being trained to ring a bell that hangs on the door knob when she needs to go outside and she is doing pretty well with the exception of a few accidents here and there. (I'm sure you already see where this is going) Yesterday morning while I was doing dishes she apparently had an accident in the playroom. I'm thinking she is somewhat like a child and got so wrapped up in playing that she just forgot to go to the door. Not a big deal as accidents happens and she isn't even 4 months old yet, so if Alexis had come to the kitchen and told me Bella had pooped, cleanup would have been swift and things would have been fine. Alas, for whatever reason, both kids decided it was a good idea to play with the poop. I understand Justin doing it because he is still very much sensory motor oriented and explores things with his hands and his mouth, but Alexis is usually so much more advanced than that. She usually will tell me not only when Bella has an accident, but also when Justin needs changed. "Momma, Justin's stinky!" So I would think that one or both of them should have realized the very stinky poop was not a good idea to play in. So out of the playroom come my dirty children, covered in poop from head to toe. (St. Bernard's have big poops, even at 4 months old) I promptly stripped them, threw them in the bath and proceeded to wash them. Then I put them in the playpen (oh how they screamed at being "caged") and went to the playroom to access the damage. It looked like WW III had hit the kids playroom. Poop was on the walls, smeared into the carpet, just EVERYWHERE. It also had made it's way down the hallway and boy did it reek! So after 2 hours of carpet cleaning and odor/stain removers the kids were finally allowed out of the playpen. Unfortunately, the playroom was off limits for the day because of the wet carpet, but at least everything was clean and sanitary. As for Bella...her punishment was the kitchen all day except when I took her out to pee and poop. By the more accidents yesterday or today. I'm thinking she didn't like all day in the kitchen yesterday. I still wonder what my kids were thinking. I would so love to be in their little minds and see how they work!