Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm Finally Doing it.

Grad school that is. I've been hesitant to apply because I was so terrified of not being accepted, but after some deep soul searching, I made an appointment with my counselor and filled out the application...and guess what?? I start on March 2nd! The fear has almost subsided and I am so incredibly excited. I was looking at the list of classes and they sound so interesting. I'll be working on my Master's in Educational Counseling and hopefully, if all goes well, I'll have my pupil personnell service credential in about 2 years. I'm still somewhat frightened. I still find myself lacking self confidence and asking myself a billion questions. What if the classes are too hard? What if I can't find time to do my homework? Will I be ready when it's time for my internship? Will I truly be able to finish? In addtion, leaving the kids 4 days a week for classes makes me sad, but I know it is ultimately for the best. So wish me luck as I journey into the unknown and make my way towards what will hopefully be a rewarding career.