Saturday, January 10, 2009

Justin's New Nickname

About a week ago, Alexis started calling Justin, "Dookie". That might sound sweet and enduring if you don't live in our house, but in our house we use "dookie" bags to pick up the "dookie" when we take Bella on walks and when she goes "dookie" in the backyard. We all tried to convince ourselves that she was calling him "doogie" like Doogie Howser, but alas, she made sure to ennunciate every syllable so we understood exactly what she thought of her baby brother. It wasn't a big deal because it only lasted a few days, but she has returned to it today after he maimed her with his teeth. After a pretty gruesome fight over a bouncing ball, Justin bit Alexis on her chest, bringing blood and making her cry forever! Alexis response, Justin is once again "Dookie". Who can blame her? If he bit me like that I'd probably call him "Dookie" too.