Have you ever noticed how some subjects can turn even the nicest people into hateful, insult-breathing monsters? Why is it that we live in a country that is supposed to give people so many freedoms, yet people get so offended by others' opinions and spend so much of their time judging those who don't live their lives the way someone else thinks they should?
A few nights ago, i received a phone call from so pollsters, who were questioning California voters about discrimination and gay marriages. The questions I was asked really made me think about a couple of things. First, why do so many people care if gay people get married or not? I know that many members of the Christian Coalition as well as those of numerous religious organizations feel that it is morally wrong to be gay and are concerned about the de-sanctification of marriage, but are heterosexual couples really protecting that sanctity? We live in a country where 40%-50% of all marriages will end in divorce. That's a pretty sad statistic if you stop and think about it. So apparently there are many, many straight couples who aren't taking their vows very seriously. Maybe gay couples who really want to be married will be a little more earnest when it comes to their commitment. Why do people care so much about what other people do. Shouldn't marriage be about the love between two people and be something that a couple shares with each other and with God? It's really no one else's business. Which brings me to my next thought. Many believe that the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, but the God I know is a loving, forgiving, mericiful God. I believe it is the grace of God that saves us. I also believe that the only one who has the power to judge is God. I was not put here on earth to judge how anyone lives their life. My job here is to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to God, not to pass judgement on those who aren't. Is it really going to hurt anyone to allow people who love each other to be married? I think not.
I In addition to all of the social issues people are arguing about, we have this whole mess with our economy. I guess overall, I am just very concerned with the choices our government is making these days and the behavior of the lawmakers and other politicians. This whole bailout plan, in my humble opinion, is just a bad idea. Between the government saving the companies who are struggling because they had poor business practices and all of the wasteful earmarks that are included in the bill, I don't think it is going to help our economy the way everyone thinks it is. I think this is the first election I've voted in that I don't know who to vote for and am seriously considering not voting at all. I just don't' know if I trust any politicians right now, republican or democrat, because they all seem to be making bad choices right now. And the local propositions and measures are just ridiculous. We don't want to allow gay marriages, but we want to allow 16 year-old girls to be able to have abortions without notifying their parents? Something is seriously wrong with our society and it's priorities.
I'll probably add more to this later, but right now I'm just tired, so should probably try to get some sleep as the kids will be up much too early. Good night (or should I say morning) and have a great day today.
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