Tuesday, October 28, 2008

She Used the Potty!!

So after months of Alexis refusing to even try to use the potty, the girl went and surprised the heck out of us yesterday. I had went to the restroom and she had followed (like she often does), but this time she pulled her potty chair over, took off her shorts, asked for help with her diaper, and sat down all without coaxing. After I washed my hands, she promptly asked me to leave and told me so matter-of-factly that she would come get me when she finished. So I left, went back to cooking, and low and behold not 5 minutes later she came running out of the bathroom screaming, "I did it! I did it!" I was so thrilled! We praised her and gave her skittles and a sticker and she bragged about it all evening. She went into the restroom a few times on her own last night and today (mostly without success), but I am just hopeful that this is a sign she is ready to start learning. Her big thing is that we can't sit with her. I'm wondering if the pressure was too much for her and that's why she hasn't been interested in trying. Keep your fingers crossed that this is the beginning of the end for diapers! By the way, we are officially back in pullups since she is being a big girl and are doing big girl panties periodically today.